Our Facility

Office Hours

Office hours are from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM on weekdays.


A physician is on-call 24 hours per day if you have an emergency. If you need help when the office is closed,
call the answering service at (505) 857-3844. If you have a serious medical problem that requires immediate medical attention, dial 911 or proceed to a hospital emergency room. We are on the consulting medical staff for Presbyterian Hospital and Lovelace Medical Center. If you need to be hospitalized, physicians called “hospitalists” will manage your care while you are in the hospital. We prefer that you use one of the downtown hospitals, because they are full-service facilities that can handle all types of problems.

After Office Hours

If you have a medical problem or concern that cannot wait until regular office hours, then call the answering
service at (505) 857-3844. You will be called back by your physician or the physician on-call.

Telephone Calls

We receive a tremendous number of telephone calls every day. We must ask for your help in keeping the calls to a
manageable level. If you have to be put on hold when you call, we will do our best to make the time as short as possible.
Please do not call us to check on the status of referrals to other physicians (see previous section for the correct way to do this).
We will call you within a week of receiving the final report of any tests that are done, unless arrangements are made for a follow-up visit to do this. If you do not hear from us on any test, do not assume that it is normal. Call the office to be sure we received the report and get the results.